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Mail Order
INDUSTEX products have been featured in internationally prestigious catalogues for over 12 years up to the present, and the Company is recognised for a high degree of compliances for product special regulatory requirements, as well as superior logistic and marketing support:
High quality and professional customized photographs of all our products and products' applications.
Professional ready-to-use advertisements are available in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian or Spanish.
High Mail Order response driven by TV Campaigns.
EDI and B2B ordering system available all over Europe.
Our products are listed in the following catalogues
Otto nl, Wehkamp, Lakeland, JD Williams, Scott of Stow, Selective Market Place, Timscris, Bgv, Chums Group, Les 3 Suisses, La Redoute, Klingel, Quelle Austria, Eurotops, Hagen Grote, Discovery 24 (Schneider Group), Wehrfritz, Bon Prix, Conrad, Pro Idee, NeckerMann, Ellos, Halens, Jula, Dmail.
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